CHAPTER 2 VIMBISO It's been two years now mushure mekunge ndarasikirwa nemwanasikana wangu anga ava ne14 years.Akazviwisira mumugodhi wemvura mushure mekunge abatwa chibharo nababa vangu. Yes, you heard me right,baba vangu chaivo. My father was known of being religious, he was also a minister of the Gospel, imagine. Him roaming around freely whilst someone else was paying for his sins behind bars zvaindirwadza chaizvo. He put all the blame on the guy who used to help him with his agricultural activities.You know money can do anything,yes he paid for his freedom and all the evidence was tampered with. Since burial I never set foot pamba pevabereki vangu. I hate everything about my parents, especially my father. Though ndaiziva chokwadi ndakanga ndasungwa muromo nemasiblings angu pamwe naamai kuti ndisatombofa ndakazviti bufu. Handina kufarira pfungwa iyoyo, zvikurusei pakuzopomera munhu asina mhosva. Mukoma aiva kujeri uyu aiva munhuwo aitova nemhuri, mudzimai nevana vaviri. Mwana wechipiri akatozozvarwa Muchi ava ne3 months avharirwa. Baba vangu vaitochengeta mhuri iyi zvekuti hapana chayaishaya. Mudzimai waMuchi aitoti rudo rwaMufundisi not knowing munhu aitoda kuderedza chaimupomera. Ndakavhunduka nekuzunguzwa zvinesimba kwandakaitwa nemurume wangu. Akabva auya kuzogara padivi pangu. Zvinondirwadza kuti ndakaviga chokwadi kwaari apa aivimba neni zvikuru and aindida like hameno hameno. Ndakatozombonzi neimwe friend yekuchechi the way Daniel acted dai aisandiziva zvirinani aitoti ndaiva ndakamudyisa,imagine the love she had witnessed between us. The love, respect,trust and understanding was too much. Daniel:" Honey, can't you just listen to me for once, let's go for counseling. I can see that I'm losing you by each passing day. Tarira kupera kwawaita. Waiva ruva rangu raiyevedza zvikuru asi urikutosvava ndakatarisa." Chokwadi ndakanga ndapera sure dzaisava nhema. Zvaiti marwadzo ekushaikirwa nemwana zvoti pain yezvandakaitirwa nababa vangu. Ndaida baba vangu more than mama and he was like a friend but he did the unforgivable act. Chero vanhu vakatii I'll never forgive him,ndingatoipindira gehena nyaya yacho. Ndakadimburirwa pfungwa panzira naDaniel. Daniel: " Honey, let's try to live in the moment.Nyaya chaidzo hatichina ever since kushaika kwaChido. I'm also hurting but let's try to move on because she's gone honey. Haachatombodzoki kwatiri asi kuti isu tisu tichatoenda kwaari. Remember you still have another child and the other one is on its way. Let it be our consolation." Akadaro achindipuruzira kadumbu kangu kakanga kaakutanga kuonekera. Ndakasimudza musoro wangu ndichigutsurira but avoiding eye contact. Daniel: "You know i curse that Muchi boy everyday, may he never find happiness and peace, he robbed me of my princess,may he rot in them cells." Ndakaita sendabaiwa pamoyo, whenever he cursed that innocent boy my heart bled. Me:"No Daniel don't curse him. It wasn't him but Satan, Muchi needs salvation." Ndozvandakakwanisa kupindura, ko ndaigotii. Daniel: "Salvation my foot,even hell won't receive him. By the way lighten me up on something dear, whenever we talk about Muchi you act as if you're defending him or you care more for him.May I know the reason?" Ndakapererwa mufunge zvekuti mazwi akatoramba kubuda. Daniel:"Anyway dear I've something important to discuss with you." Hana yangu yakarova,you know kana une pfimbi mumoyo unongovhunduka chese chati kwatara. Daniel: "Ko waakufungei futi?" (akadaro achindipuruzira musana) Me: "Nothing much,what do you want to discuss?" Daniel: "Oh yeh, ndiri kufunga kuti tiende kunogara overseas. A change of environment and lifestyle might be of help. I got a job offer at a renowned tele company in Australia and I'm thinking of accepting the offer." Kamoyo kakafara sei,the far I go away the less chances the buried hatchet would be uncovered.I cleared my throat ndisingaratidze mufaro wangu. Me: " What about Mati?" Daniel: "Anozotevera after a year tanyatsoita settled. Wazvifarira here dear or I may just reject the offer?" Me: "No no honey it's a splendid idea, thank you so much, you are the best thing that ever happened to me." Ichi chaiva chokwadi,ndaidiwa zvandaitadza kutonzwisisawo. He is an engineer and I'm medical doctor, a paedetrician. Aiwa life taiva nayo pasinawo zvakazotiwira tisu vanhu vainyatsorarama. ...soft knock on the door Me: "My boy has returned!" Ndakavhura door zvinyoronyoro ndokusvetukirwa naMati. This 9 year old son of mine is the other reason I could still go. Moyo wangu wainyaradzika zvikuru pandaimutarisa . Mati: "Mummy dearest, ohh dad you are home too?" Akabva asimudzwa nadad vake vachitaridzana love yose,ko ndiye aitova painkiller yedu. Vakabva vabuda zvavo vakatakurana. DANIEL I was worried sick, I was afraid of losing Vimbiso. Her behavior that time was questionable. Kamwe kamuvhundukiro kaakanga ava kuita kaitondityisawo, aitoratidza kuti she was hiding something deep. Ever since Chido's death she changed. Of course she had to because of the loss but dai kuri kwekuti anga asiriye Mai vemwana ndingadai ndakatofunga kuti she had a hand in Chido's death. She could no longer enjoys her sleep because of nightmares but aisada kuti titaure nezvazvo. Many times achitaura kuhope achikumbira ruregerero but ndaisagona kuzvibatanidza. The other thing was that since burial she never went back to her parents's home, infact she couldn't even wanted to talk about them, especially the father. My father in law was a God fearing man and i used to love him the most. Something was not right, even my sixth sense could tell me,but what it was I couldn't tell? Vimbiso: "Morning daddy. Why are up so early in the morning on a fine day like this. Are you going out today?" Akatoshamiswa kuona kuti ndakanga ndatogezageza ndatomuvigira coffee in bed. Vimbiso:"Ndaandichitofunga kuti zvairi Sunday tombonyatsoswera tese since I'm off today but it seems you are going somewhere?" Akadaro Vimbiso asingavanza kusafara kwake muvoice rake. Me:"Today I won't listen to an excuse, we're all going to church. Nguva yareba tisisazive chechi pamba pano. Ndiwe waisimbondisimudzira panyaya dzekunamata, it's my turn now." I said that looking straight into her eyes but as it had become her norm she again avoided eye contact. I moved closer to her and held both her hands. Me: "Vimbiso look me in the eyes,are you hiding something from me? Kana paine zvakakuremera just tell me and I won't judge you, that I promise." Akabva akurumidza kuzvibvisa pandiri kwaakutotanga hake kugadzira bed. I was then convinced that she surely was hiding something from me and whatever it was, it had a connection with my daughter's death. Handina kumuratidza kuti ndakanga ndabatikana,ndakabva ndatoita change of plan yakamuvhundutsa zvikuru. Me: "Be ready by 9, we're are going kwaMurehwa, it's been long since we last visited and spare me excuses darling coz I'm in no mood to argue." Ndakaona shasha ichipera simba,ndakatomhanya kunobata munhu akanga aakutodonhera pasi. Akatanga kuchema.Seeing her crying melted my heart ,that was my weakness and she knew that. Vimbiso: "Handisvike pakafira mwana wangu,I won't go and that's final."Akabva afamba achibuda.Handina kumboteera ini ,ndakangotora makeys emota kwaakubuda. Ndakanzwa ndaakudhonzwa t-shirt pandanga ndaakuvhura door remota. Vimbiso: "Please wait for a second honey,waakuendepi usina kundiudza?" Since when uchingobuda like that?" Me: "Kumusha kwako ndokwandiri kuenda,I will be back manheru." Ndakadaro ndichipinda mumota. Ndaimutarisa nepaview mirror,umm actions dzake dzaitoda video. I said a little prayer in my heart kuti ndidzoke ndiine mhinduro pamibvuzo yangu. *End of chapter 2*