VIMBAI "nop,zvikavha ndozvakafanana badzi tarisa uwóñe”, "howó,but thank you friend really, thank you ókay,but I promise I will pay you back gore randóita mari", "hey who said I want money just give me a hug that coast million dollars", we laughed ndichimupa hug iya, "so mukwasha màsarirwa nemakore mangani kuti mupedze course yenyu", "haa ibvapa iwe mukwasha kudii kwacho,kwako kurikúda kuomberwa here", akapindura Chris , "Nyangwe ukaramba hako but still urimukuwasha wangu," ndakamupindura ndichiseka, "kana zviriizvo zvinokuitira then it's fine,ambuya vanogara sofa rimwe nemukwasha?", "ndimi machooser kugara pano muchisiya masofa ese aya ndatomboti mukuda kuombera kaini", "eyi chibva watonyarara hako Vee nenhawu yaRunyararo,we nevér get along since day one,she's so mean and anobva azviisa palevel repadenga denga kuñge ndiye muñhu badza'', "Makanaka!', called Chris, "don't Makanaka me,you know I don't beat around the bush, l always tell a thing as it is, without bending anything,with that girl you helped us a lot by breaking up with her because l wasn't going to put up with her because of her behaviour", ndakafa hangu nekuseka "With that temper you are just like your aunt,no need to be told", ndakadaro hangu "but remember not to judge my friend,let your eyes see but don't opén your mouth", takazotaura hedu dzimwe nyaya ndopandakazonzwa kuti Chris ayíve atopedza medical course yake,he's now a professional doctor but this time achange achishañdira muno,ndakamukorokotedza nekubudíra kwaayive ayita,ndichitogaya hangu kuti koini ndichaitawo chii muhupenyu hwangu, "I don't mean to offend you but why did you break up naRue I mean you seemed to be happy together", ndakabvunza Chris,Maka paakanoradzikidza Evelyn, "well naRue akandirwadzisa pakukudzinga pamba nekuda kwenhema dzakarukwa namadzibaba vefake vaya,no matter what vaisafanirwa kukudzinga or give up on you, family sticks together through thick and thin,and solve everything together", "what do you mean he was fake?" "he was just suspicious in everything, remember the way he was praying,wakaunzwa kupí,nyangwe muchechi chaimo no one prayes like that kana ndimi dzachoso", now that he mentions it zvakandinetsa neniwo because yes he did prayed differently , "now that you said that, ndamurota murume iyeye woziva akanga akamonera jira reblack ana tete", "you see there's something more to this,and other thing naRue I realised kuti tanga tisiri murúdoba,just because of our friendship and our care for each other we thought we could be more but there was never more to it,there was no cheméstry at all between us,and nekuda kwekuti ndakabva kuno tanetsana,ndakazotaura naye hangu but we were drifting away,so to not hurting her, I asked for a break saying ndirikuda kumbofocusa nedzidzo yangu", "wooo you are..., nothing nothing,bút soon she will know that you are around and this time my aunt will want a wedding I'm sure of,she really adores you you know" , "well that's hard to believe when she couldn't love her own niece", "don't spoil your relationship because of me you know,I'm just fine ,thank God your aunt took me in that time back,andizivi kuti dayi ndíripi now,maybe pasi pemabridge ndichidya mabin," ndakadaro misodzi yatova mumatama, Ndaiti ndikangoifunga chete nyaya yekuti pamwe dai ndiri pasi pemabridge ndichifuga macardbox, asi vamwe vanhu vachigara mumusha mababa wàngu wakadekara havo nekudya mari isiri yavo misodzi yaitongo buda yega,ndakakasika kuipukuta,but Chris ayive atozviona kare nekuti ayive agara opposite me, akangotora befu,ndokusimuka paayivé akagara,ndokubuda Maka achipindawo, ''what happened,he looks so pissed?", asked Maka , "nothing he looks fine to me", "i know my brother,he might try to hide it but I always know when he is angry did you say something to h...wait wére you crying,he can't stand the sight of tears,and he gets all emotional" "wow he's too soft,he shouldn't be near babies then because they cry every minutes he might cry too in front of them and pànozoshaikwa anonyararidza mumwe," takàfa zvedu nekuseka naMaka, "I heard you ,you múst stop lying Maka ,I just went to get..water", he said holding out a waterglass, "but mvura iripo wani pamberi pedu all along", "but iyi iridiferenty ine special remedy", "but it looks plain to me", "no it's different Maka," ndakadaro ndichitambira mvura iya, ndokubva ndaimwa, "lemon remedy, ine lemon", "right lemon,awuchanyatsoone Maka ndichaku recommendera doctor wemaziso ànonyatsogona", said Chris,winking at me, thanking me for saving him kubva kuna sisi wake wakangwarisa,who was determined to embàràsse him,because mvura yàive isína kana chinhu,ingori plan zvayo, meaning she was telling the truth but I want to see it myself one day, Vakazowoneka zvavo ndokuenda,ndakasara ndobika zvemanheru manje nekuti nguva dzaive dzafamba atleast ndambotandadzwawo,vakasiya vandidzisa mashandisirwo anoitwa foni iya kondaiwe ndakamboishandisepi,vakandisiya ndakugonerera zvangu,yaive ine zvese nesimcard yaive yatosetwa zvese kare, ndaive ndotàura naMaka pawhatsaapp naChris,ndakajoinawo group rebible study pawhatsaapp futi,ndaive ndisina wakawanda wandaitaura nawo but ndaisatodawo zvevanhu wandisingazivi, Rimwe zuva ndakazoshamiswa nemashura akaitwa namai Stole, vakandishevedza muliving room nekuti ndaive mukitcheni ndichitosuka, ndakaenda pavaive vagere nemurume wavo,ndokugarawo paside, "tora envelope iyo", ndiVaStole vakadaro vachireva envelope yaive pamusoro pecoffee table,ndakatora envelope iya ndakawatarisa wondering what's going on, "money?" Ndakadaro after ndavhura envelope iya, "yes,Vimbai nababa Evelyn takaonesana kuti tikupe mari yawakashanda kubva musi wawakasvika pano,irimo yese imomo", "you are kidding right ,I mean l don't expect you to do all these,you have been taking care of me,more than own my flesh and blood did, without doing anything,I'm sure tika calculata ma expenses ese,from zvinhu zvandaipwanya,hembe nematoiletres zvamainditengera,mari dzekwadoctor madays andairwara aya I'm sure apana kana cent rinosara apa," "no,no,don't say that you deserve these and more,and we want to help you build your life", "but ndirikurarama wani", "wopenga iwe ilife yipi yaurikurarama,ukuda kuramba urinanny waEvelyn kusvikira riinhi",said Mai Stole "but what else can l do,form four andina kupedza,akuna kumwe kwandowana basa ndisina dzidzo" "chii chakakutadzisa kupedza chikoro", "Mari", "iyoka wawanayo mumaoko ako",said vaStole "you mean ndidzokere kuchikoro,neage yangu iyoyi ndipfeke uniform nekugara padesk no way sir", "mazuwano azvichanetsa izvi kwavane maónline school or night school wosarudza zvaunoda", "but basa robva raperaka ndoendepi ", "don't worry baba Evelyn vati vanokubatsira nezvose zvaunenge uchida,ndiwe urikungoshota chete,you have to make up your mind", Ndakasimuka paya ndichinoróngedza mari iya mubedroom mangu,ende ndakanyatsoyiisa pachena kuda kunyatsoona kudisapear kwayo,zvemweya yetsvina ndaive ndisasade muhupenyu hwangu , enough is enough,ndakanyatsoti ndakumbira neropa raJeso mweya yemadzinza..... END OF CHAPTER EIGHTEEN