VIMBAI "Enjoy your money as you said,while it last,as for Chris, his a big man he can decide what to do with his life,now go so long and tell your mother not to mess with me, she better pray because her days are numbered", "you are going to regret this", "ñdiwe ucharegreta,n'yanga yamai vako apana zvainondiita yakanditadza kudhara,brat", akasiya arasira chikafu chaive patable pasi ndokubuda achimhañya,"are you okay?" ndiChris akadaro achindibata ruoko rwangu, "ndingatobvubza imimi Mr hero,kuti muribhoo here sezvo mabhabhatidzwa masikati akadai", ndakadaro ndichitomuseka, "not fuñny woman,the water was so damn cold", "that's serves you right", "oh really" ndakati yaah ndichitendeuka kutora purse yangu, ndakatora mawipes ayivemo ndokumupukuta mvura yaive kumeso kwake iya nemumusoro,takasiya tabhadhara ndokubuda muya,ahana kuzombódzokera kubasa akati ayíve asiña maimportant cases zuva iroro,akabva ati achatanga ayenda kumba kwavo kunochinja ozopfuurira achinondisiya kwatete wake,ndakamboda kuramba nekuti kumba kwawo ndaive ndisati ndambokusvika,àsi he insisted, Takayenda hedu but in my heart I was expecting I don't know,what ever happens happens,takasvika paya paakati ndopamba pacho,ndakangoti wow because of speechless,the house was amazing regayi vaende kunodzidza kunze kwenyika,it was to be expected,takapinda mukatí hedu inini kumashure,munyama wandakaita ndewekusvikówana family yese iripo including Maka,ndiye akatotanga kundimhanyira, "Oh finally,how did you manage to bríng this hot headed woman here bro,nekuti anosipika kuti pano ahatsíki", akadaro achindidhonzera kuñevanhu, "man's tactics", ñdakamhoresa vanhu vese vaivamo amai vake ndaivaziva hangu, mamwe masíblings ake ndaivazivira kuchurçh but not that much "magona bro,this time she won't go home she will sleep over tonight", "Maka so pfungwa dzako dzinomboita kuñge dzemwana mudiki futi", Chris akazobúda achinochinja ndokundisiya nefamilly yake,I was so nervous I swear, "saka mukuuya kuzotibikira nekutiisira mvura dzekugeza ríñhiko ñhayi gulez", akabvunza ayinzi Joseph, "Gulez?", ndakabvunza in shock but everyone laughed instead "don't mind him mwanangu," ndimaí vacho vakazodaro, ''wait,brother vangu avasat vasvitsa shoko?,haa bva ndatovatangira,ndoda hangu uyite muroora wamai vangu unoti kudii", akadaro akapfugama pamberi pengu, moziva ndakapérerwa imba yese yakamboti zii ndokuzoti bvuu kuseka,Ini nenyadzi andichagona, "Jose kwana mhani iwe,hauyizive hére bro code yedú,no datiñg à relave's fríeñd", akadaro Maka, "kwandiri azvishande especially kana ari pretty like this óñe here", Ayinzi Juliet ndiye akazomboda kundibvunza mibvunzo hobho hobho,but with time ndakazorealizer kuti it's a lovely family and united also, "çan I steal your friend for a minute Maka " ndiChris akadaro akamira padoor raMaka,we were just catching up sezvo taive tavanetime tisina kuonana nekuda kwekuenda kuunniversity kwaayive àkuita, "sure, no problem,she's all yours", "kwakanaka here,infact nguva dzayenda ndakuda kuenda kumba saka hande ", "okay but just come here first I have something beautiful to show you and I'm sure you will like it" , "no thanks", "com on, aren't you even curious", "curiosity kills ,I still want to live because andisati ndane maoffsprings yet", "unopenga iwe but I love that you are crazy sometimes", "wakuwanza masasi manje ,ndíudze kuti chii chaurikuda kundiratidza" ndakataura ndichitungamira kwandaisaziva, he led me outside kwayive neswimming pool yakazara nemvura, "Wait here,I'm coming", ndaka noddér ndokusara hangu ndakatarisa mupool muya,ndichitogaya nyaya yaRue namai vake kuti varikumboplaney izvezvi,what if they really succesed on killing me then what, Ndirimundangariro kudaro ndakazongonzwa kutonhorwa mutsoka dzangu,kunotarisa kudayi ayíve ari Chris akabata hospipe achinyatsovhura pipe yemvura kuda kundidira, "I'm sure this will serves you right as well," "what,are you crazy man " ndakadaro ndichizama kunzvenga mvura iya "Maybe, maybe not", akadaro achinditevera nemvura yake, "hey sandini ndakuti ndiprotecte ini saka mhosva yangu ndeyipi apa", ndakadaro ndichirounder pool, "Pakuti mvura yanga ifikufanira kumhara iwewe ikaenda kwandiri and it was so cold,ende ndiwe fut waorder mvura inotonhora kudaro", ”hey,hey ukukanganwa kuti ndiriambuya here,ukaita zvekutamba ndokuripisa,andisini ndakakuti danana necrazy daughter yangu,dai wapedzerana naye,Ini hangu nemvura atinzwanane saka rega hako kudaro'",ndakabva ndamhanyira kunerimwe síde instead yekuti arege kuda kundidira mvura akatowedzera kuvhura tap yacho ,"nhasi ukuzobhabhatidzwa chete", "never", ndakadaro ndichidzokera kunerimwe síde randaive ndambobva,pandakanoti nhano yechitatu ndakanotsvedza nekuda kwekutota kwepasi ndokudzedzereka ndichinowira mupool,ndakanotinyu mumvura kekutanga pandakanobuditsa musoro ndaka screemer nekuti mvura ndaiitya hangu, nekuda kwekurohwa nehana futi ndakanyatsoti nyuu futi ndokushapira mvura iya,kushambira ndaisagona, ndakamboramba ndiripo pasi pemvura pàya ndaibva ndatonzwa kunge ndirikudhonzwa chaiko,"Chrís help!" Ndakanosceamer again ndichizama kúti ndisamwe mvura,ayíve akatondítarisa hake achisekerera,Ndakabva ndatotanga kupera simba, "Chris!",ndakazomudedza kekupedzisira ndokubva ndatanga kutonzwa makumbo angu kuvà hearvy,ndakàbva ndanyura pasi pemvura kuguma floor chaiko,nemweya ndaive ndotounzwa uchienda kure chaiko,ndakazonzwa ndasimudzwa kubva pasi pemvura pàya, "Vee,Vee, Vimbai are you okay?’, ndakanzwa voice raChris richindideedza achindirowa rowa matama, "no matter how much you guys tries to kill me no one will succeed,I'm covered with blood of Jesus", ndakadaro mbijana mbijana ndichivhura maziso ,akabva andihugger,a tight hug chaíyo, "oh my God,I'm sorry ,I'm sorry,I didn't mean to,ndanga ndisingazvizivi kuti awugone kushambira", akadaro achíbvisa vhudzi rayive rakavhara kumeso kwangu, "wait, are those tears?" ndakabvunza nechibata dama rake, "no,no imvura,you got me frightened there", "you are too sensitive you know ,your heart is of gold,so pure,easy to get hurt,éverything you take it to heart", "are you flattering me?", "no I'm just stating the facts,but the real fact is you tried to kill me", ndakadaro looking into his eyes,I could see regrets there, "no I can never do that I was just...nevermind,I'm sorry,will you fórgive me", "no",l replied,moving away from him,kukanganwa kuti ndirimumvura ndaíve ndoda kudonheramo futi, but he munage to pull me back by hand,ndichinorovera paari,"no?"he whispered,achindidhonzera kwaari,and hold my west, I took a sharp breath, "what?", Ndaive ndatokanganwa Kuti arikutaura nezveyi "I said will you forgive me for pushing you to fall into the water?" akataura asi ndaitozvinzwira kurekure,kana nezvazvaireva ndakatotadza kuzviziva,nekuti brain dzangu dzaisatonyatsoshanda nekuda kwekuva kwake padhuze neni, looking directly into my eyes,while my eyes were busy staring back at him, Chris was really a handsome guy I don't wanna lie,I always try not to look at him too much but today I got an opportunity to look at him closely,he was just perfect, ndakangogutsirira músoro kuti zvindibve,he broke into a beauful smile , "oh great,was thinking uchaomesa musoro", akadaro achindiregedza ndokubuda achinomira kunze, "hey wait, you are leaving me,apa ukubva mukukumbira ruregerero", "ehe handiti watondiregerera kare,húya,paúri ipapo panemasteps tsika ubude" "oh no yóu brat,did you just seduced me into forgiving you", ndakadaro ndavapanze, "umm no I didn't", ndakazvitarisa kudayi kúona hembe yangu yakaita kunamira nemuwiri wese,Ndakabva ndatonzwa kunyara kuñge ndisitorina kupféka chaiko,naiye akazviona kuti ndikutoshaya pekupinda chaipo,"you look..." he eyed me from head to toe, "Terrible right?", "no the other wày around,hot but funny also", akadaro achisekerera, "pfutseki ibvapa,tarisa uko haunyari kuonerera ambúya here" nekút dréss randaive ndakapfeka raive nejira tete riri relight green saka nekuda kwekutota raiwonesa zvirimukati , "iskiri rekúda kundivharira kunze kairi rekuti ambuya ambuya zvenhando", "ndirikunzwa kupindwa nechando chaicho,apa zuva ranyura mumakore,I hate bieng your friend I swear", "hàte is a strong word,in other words I heard kutí you love to be more than fríend right", "huh huh very funny ,my girl did a good job by leaving you,l don't think you çan be a good lover besides l got one from school", "what, who?", "munhuka", I replied "l said who is he?" akadaro akabatira ruoko rwañgu kumashure kwañgu,añd this time he was pretty serious, "what is his name?", "no body,there's no one" ndakañgóyéréka ndañgorotomoka,aghh I fell for his tricks again,l guess being close to him is my weakness, "good girl, léts get you some dry clothes handiti" he said achindibata mapendekéte leading me towards the house,"whàt is so good about not having a boyfriend or a fieñceé because néniwo ndinotodawo kuroorwaka,usati kana iwewe usingaroore munhu wése aharoorweka", END OF CHAPTER TWENTY ONE