VIMBAI Ndakàona ari Chris,"please stop crying Vee, you will get a headache, it will be okay one day", Ndichinzwa mashoko ake ndakabva ndatowedzera kuchéma, "How can you say it will be okay,what is going to be okay here, nothing, my parents were murdered by my own aunt what for ,for money,bécause of her greed heart,they are dead Chris,déad and they will not coming back, kuñge zvangá zvisiri énough she caused so many misfortunes in my life,you don't know how I suffered since my parents died,wé struggled with my grandmother,while she was busy squandering my father's monéy here,I couldn't finish school beçause of her heartless, everyone saw me as a dog among people because of her, and now she wants me dead too,so tell mé which one of all this is going to be okay?", I said whilst crying, "what kínd of a person is she, what have I done to hér,wakandigura kunorira tete wàñgu", "I'm so sórry fór everything but please stop crying,what should I do to help you", í could see coñcern ín his eyes,but misodzi yangu yaitoítà kunge yabhadharwa kúnzi íbúde, "Just let me be for today,nenguva yekuchema hamadzangú andina kumboíwana nekúda kwemasituations,so let cry today until I cañ't okay" "okay,okay I understand, I'm héré for yoú",akadàro achíndimbúndira,ndakatanga kuçhéma silently ndirimumaóko màke, 'saka tete wàñgu wàtori múurayí héré chókwadí,her brother of all people,it's unbelievable', "I want to kill her" , "what?" "I want to kill her let's go back", ndakadaro ndichinopinda mumota, Justin akapindawo kudriver's sit, "are you out of your mind?", "no I want her dead as well,muroyi mukuru,I want to kill her with own my hands, let's go now", "wakupénga Vimbai ukuzviwanepi zvaurikutaura izvozvo", "kana usingàde kuenda sara", Ndakabva ndatobuda mumota muya,ndokupinda mu road kudzokera kwatabva,ndaive ndavafungira parefu tete and she deserve it,Mwari kana waizondipunisher vaizondipunisher havo àsi nda avenger vàbereki vangu ,dai tete vakatibatsirawo pataitambudzika dai gogo vari vapenyu izvozvi, ndakazongonzwa kudhonzwa ruoko ndichinotendeuka ndokurovera pamunhu,ayíve ari Chris, "Vimbai pull your self together,do want to be a murderer,udakuenda kujere here hee!,I understand kuti she's a heartless and evil but azvirevi kuti you have to be like her in order to outsmart her,be strong,you are strong as it is already,you went through so much and you survived, you are still going to survive this", "oh Chris,it hurts ,my chest hurts so much and the pain is too heavy,if I don't kill her ,I will kill my self okay", akandibata matama angu and look into my eyes "don't ever talk like that please,if you kill yourself she will get the victory she wants,don't worry God will punish her,every evil deed has it's price,she will have it coming,don't you think death is an easy punishment for her", his words calmed me down a little,and I nodded, "now let's go", takapinda mumota,ndokudriver takanopinda mutown, Chris tried his best to cheer me up but I just couldn't be happy or even put a smile, "I may not be your best friend but remember I'm always here for you okay,I may be useful in other ways", "thank you Chris for everything,but it's just ríght now I'm not a good company at all,the sadness in my heart is too much, nothing can get my mind out of everything,I don't think everything in my life will be the same again, nothing will ever be the same,I will never see the world the same way, I never believed kute kunevaroyi nevaurayi muhupenyu hwañgu but now it's turned out kuti it's all real,and it took the lives of my parents away nenguva diki diki,I just want to be alone", Ndakadaro ndichibuda mumota ndichipinda mumba,ndakaona vana Mai Stole vakagara ndakangovapfuura chinyararire ndokunanga kuroom kwangu,nekulocker door,ndakanozvidonedzera pamubhedha ndichichema hama dzangu dzakafa karekare but zvaibva zvaita kunge yerstaday chaiye,ndakasvikira mukukotsira ndirimukuchema, Ndakatozometswa nenock padoor,ndakanorivhura ranzwa nekugugudzwa kunge richatodonhedzwa,ndakaona ariChris,pandakavhura akaita kutora befu rakatondishamisawo kuti ko indawa, "are you okay,seyi wanga uchinonoka kuvhura door,wapotsa wandipa heartache", "why?" Ndakavunza ndichinogara pabed,akabva adhonza chair yaivemo ndokuswedera padhuze pandaive ndakagara, "I was worried you know,nezvawanga uchitaura awusi mustate yekuti uve uriwega,saka pawanga usingavhuri door I thought the worst,wawakunzwa sey", "unopenga iwe,I'm just trying to cop,but I have got a big headache" akabva atora mapainkillers ayíve pamusoro pedressing table ndokundipa,ndakangotambira hangu chinyararire, "handey panze unofúrwa nemhepo mumba muno you will feel much more sick than you already are '' takabuda tikanogara kubackyard,doing what nothing but sitting kumagarden chairs ayíve kumashure ikoko,akaisa soft music pafoni yake ndokuisa maearphones akabva ayisa one munzeve mangu, one make,and kuti anyatsokwana tisingadonzerane ndakaisa musoro wàngu pabendekete rake, "I hope you don't mind", ndakadaro, "no it's okay", takanyararidzana hedu takaterera music,yakatomboita kuti ndikanganwe situation yangu,and calm my wild mind down, "what?", Said both mai Stole nemurumé wawo, "yes aunt,and it's so hard to believe, if I wasn't there ndaisambozvi believer nemaziviro andinowaita mai waya asi ndazozvionera kuti vanhu vanongochinja wéduwe", "ko madii kufonera mapurisa nhai muzukuru,that woman deserve to be in jail", "mapurisa anoda evidence mai mwana,kana pasina proof azvishande" ndibaba Stole vakapindura, "Andisati ndamboona muñhu anodà mari zvakadaro ini kusvika pakuuraya hama yake nekuparadza dzinza rake,inga zvakaoma", vakapindura maiStole izvi vaizvitaúra after tavataurira zvaitika makuseni pataenda kumba kwababa vangu, "indeed money is a root of all evilness in this world, people change because of money,they become full of darkness and ambitious,they don't hesitate in fulfilling their heart desires," said Mr Stole, "so what are you going to do now" vakandibvunza Mai stole, "také everything back ,I'm so tired of her making my life so uneasy,if God doesn't punish her I will my self", ndakavapindura, Thís time she was going to regret her actions and suffer for them,I was done respecting her, Chris was right dyíng is too easy of a punísgment for her, 'oh Lord I'm letting your will be doné for now,ndimi munorwa nevavengi vangu, rambàyi muchindirwira nekúti iyezvino vavakuvhima rangu ropa ndisina kana mhosva imwe kwàwari,ndivhúmbamireyi nekundichengetedza kubva kuziso remuvengi uyo', ndakadaro mupfuñgwa dzangu ñekúti I'm sure she's hunting mé nen'yanga yavo now that I know evérything,if I die I swear I will come back to haunt down her also,ndirichipoko kudaro Nekufamba kwemazuva ndakazonyaradza moyo wàngu kunze batsi kwete mukati nekuti mukati maitove neshungu nezibundu chairo, vaStole vakazotora case yangu he was an advocate kuti property yababa vañgu idzoke muzíta rangu,nezvaive mumazita avo ndaízvida muzíta rangú not kuti ndirikuda mari kana chii zvacho, ndaiñgoda kupfidzisa tete badzí,vaStole vakati azvinetsi nekuti ndini ndaíva offspring yababa vañgu ndiri one, Ndakazorégester online school kútangira pandakagumira,zvakambonétsa madays ekutanga asi ndakatozojaira,Maka akabva ayenda kúunniversíty ndokusara hangu ndega chiñhu chaitodzora moyo wañgu ibhaibheri na Chris uyo ayíve avakusevenzéra mutown paneímwe hospital,nerimwe zuva akanditi huya uwone kwandoshandira sezvo ndaive ndisingakúzive,taive tava ma friends hedu, Ndakapinda mutown masikati ndakaita kuuraya hangu mucheno,koñdaive ndisiri Vimbai wekútamburaka uya así Vimbai akurarama achiziva kuti people shouldn't be trusted too much,akandipa madirections ekwayive néhospital yacho,ndakasvikoona paashandira, chaive chipatara chihombe chaicho,and his office was so cool,zvakandipa shungu yekúti ndíite something muhupenyu ndigókwanisa kuzvimirira, Takazobvapo tese achiti yaíve ñguva yelaúnch saka takanotsvaga restaurant yekunodyira launch,titori pakatí pekudya ndakazongonzwa kushevedzwa,takacheukirana tese ndokuona arí Runyararo, "Chris what are you doing here,wíth her?", "Hallo to you too,we are aetíng as you can see with yoúr both eyes, something wrong with that?",akamupindura akachiyenderera mberi nekudya,ndakaramba hangu ndakanyarara, "I told she's a trush,a witch, she got you under her spell that's why we got seperated babk,open your eyes,she's just using you to hurt me", "why would she wants to hurt you,what did you do?", "no...nothing she's just jealous of my money", my anger that I had been trying to bury snapped out because of her words, "Yes I'm jealous, so what about it?", "you head her Chris, you heard her right?,I won't let her take you away from me," akadaro achisimudza water glass remvura achida kundidira Chris akasvikomira mberi kwangu mvura ndokudira iye instead, ndakamutarisa kumeso mvura ichiyerera kumeso kwake,vanhu vese vaive muresturant umu vakangoti haaa,ndakasimuka fast pandaive ndakagara ndikasvinopa Runyararo a tight slap yakavharira restaurant yese, "I'm your mother saka ahuyeri ndogona kukupa futi yemwe slap,but enough Runyararo okay,I don't wanna hear your nonsense,get out of here and....." END OF CHAPTER TWENTY