FINAL CHAPTER Tava kunhamho ndopandakazonzwa kuti vaive vavanenguva yakareba vachirwara asi kuchipatara apana chawaiwona,hanzi vaingopera kuonda kudzamara kupinda musize 28 chaimo,munhu ayipfeka size 42 yehembe, naRunyararo waiwe uchamuzi here ayíve ayita kusauka chaiko àpa ayíve atonenhumbu yaive yotoda kuzvarwa,ayiwe ochitaura shona manje kwete zvake izvo zvekuda kuzviita muvhet waasiri,ayíve ayita ku kunonzi ku dzikama chaiko kunyarara sezita rake,ñdopaunoona fúti kuti dzimwe nguva hudyire wakaipa,tete vakafurira Rue kuti arege chikoro adye zvake mari aripamba nekuti apana chaayishaya,mari isiriyavo futi isina guarantee,dai vakashandisa mukana iwoyo kudzidzisa mwàna wawo kana kunodhura chaiko dai nhasí uno aripachigaro chirinani panekuswerofunga kuda kuroorwa nemurume anemari badzi kuti adye akagara, zviño hezvo ayíve awira kune tsuro yémubhuku chàiyo inowanda nemapages,nhamo yakazopera hayo,ndakatombosara ndiriko hangu kumusha,asi moyo wangu wairwadza nemachinjiro ayíve ayita hupenyu,ñdakabva ndavakisa makuva ese ari4 ndokuisa matompstone ndichibatsirwa nanasekuru hanzvadzi dzamhamha nedzimwe hama dzàngu dzekwabamunini,muninina wàbaba wababa,ndopandakatozozivawo kuti Inga nditorinewo dzimwe hama,Nyaya yekusashanya kumusha kwababà yakaipa iyi unotadza kuziva hama dzako,pamusha pakazosara sekuru hanzvadzi yagogo,kuti azogarapo kuti pasazoita dongo,vaive vakura havo asi vasina mukadzi,hanzi vakadzi inyoka inoruma nechaisingadye,manje ini andidi tsvina idzodzo,ndakaseka hangu,ndakazodzokera hangu kudhorobha ndokunogara pamba pababa vangu , Kuti ndisarambe ndirimutoro kuvanhu,vanhu vaive vandibata zvàkanaka havo ivava zvekuti ndaitovaona sefamily yangu yandaigara ndichishuwira muhupenyu hwangu,they have been by my side through thick and thin,Ndakabva ndazofunga kumboenda kuSouth Africa kumbochinja mhepo pamwe nekuenderera mberi nedzidzo dzangu,mweya nemoyo zviripamwe nekut kuramba ndiripamba ipapo moyo wàngu nepfungwa zvaive zvogara zvichidzokera kumashure kumaronda anenge akupora,But akanyanya kurwadziwa nekuenda kwangu ndiChris he almost say handey tese,I was also hurt because he was the person who was so close to me,but I had to leave everything behind,and start afresh In South Africa I manage to move on,as they say time heals all wounds, especially kana Mwari achikutungamirira as well,ndakazodzoka kuZim after five years,ndainyatsonzwa ndiri new me no more pain and water behind my eyes,or pale face yaigara yakasuruwara,ndaive ndakuziva pandimire nezvandikuda muhupenyu hwangu,ndichisvika munhu wandakatanga kunowona ndiChris,ndayive ndamusuwa mhani,taitaura hedu pafon but,kusuwa munhu akupere nekuti wangotaura naye pafonika,ayíve akushandira kuneimwe hospital and he was a really good doctor,ndakasvikovhura door remuofice make chinyararire without knocking, "Stella ,I'm still busy I told you l don't want to be disturbed", he said without looking up,Stella was his assistant, ndakaramba ndichifamba,ndokunomira pamberi pake, "should I also go back" ,ndakadaro zvinyoronyoro which cause him to look up,the reaction l got ndiyo yandainyatsoda chàiyo,his eyes widen, "aàh ndirikunyatsoona here Ini", akadaro achitsukuta maziso,ndakafa zvangu nekuseka, "I guess I'm not dreaming,what a surprise Vee ,oh I'm so happy" akadaro açhisvikondimbundira l hugged him back, "you don't know how much I had miss you sha" àkadaro achiri akandembundira, "me more hey", "you are really here in front of me,i thought ahuchadzoke" akadaro looking into my eyes,he had changed a lot, he was more matured and I don't know maybe inyaya yedistance yaive yaita kuti ndimuone seachinja,I almost forgot kut I was looking àt him too ,"you thought wrong ,unoti ndokusiya nani.iwe usati wanemukdzi anokuchengetedza", ndakajoka ndichidaro trying kubreaker tansion yaive yariser, "haa ibvapa iwe kuroora kudii kwacho,iye muroora wacho akanditiza, besides you are looking so beautiful wachinja shaa,the place really did you well", he said checking me up and down,ndakanzwa kunyara netarisiro yaayizondiita, "l thought wakura wachinja habbit yako yekuda kúndiongorora nezvirimumoyo chaizvo", "yaah ndakura asi kwauri I'm still the old Chris waunoziva,achiñja ndiwe,wakuzivawo kuti kunonyarwa", Ndakabva ndanogara pama sofa ayivemo,ndichitura befu,ndaive ndakunzwa kuneta manje,"wait are you coming from the airport now", "yes why", "I thought zvimwe wakauya nezuro but seeing the way you are throwing yourself on that sofa,zvirikungooneka kuti wakaneta,but thank you nekudzoka ndanga ndakusuwa shaa,everyday was like a torture without you here" akadaro achigara paside pangu, "kana waive wandisuwa zvekudaro wakadii kuuya kujoza I know kuti akungambokunetsa kuuya," "handiti wakaramba kundiudza kwawaiyive chaiko,ndaitangirepi nemakuriro akaita south Africa iwayo", Zveshuwawo ndaive ndaramba kuudza wanhu kwandaive,ndaisada any disturbance at all,"sorry about that",I looked around his office,ndichiwona hangú mapics evanhu vese,ayíve muoffice make patable,"ko remukadzi wako riripi," ndakadaro hangú ndichida kumunzwa,I was met with silence,pandakacheuka kudayi nekuti ndaiye ndamusiya pamasofa, I found him looking at me,but in a different way, "what?", I asked again, he stood up and walk towards me,ndakabva ndagara pachair yake ,"unomboziva kuti zvese zvaunenge uchiita izvi unenge uchirwadzisa moyo wàngu here", he asked, standing in front of me,akabva abata both sides of the chair and I was trapped between,"zvipi", "zvese,first wakaenda ukandisiya,secónd unenge uchingotaura zvekuti ndicharoora riinhi,chiroora", "but.but andisikúmboona chakaipa ipapo Ini", ndakadaro ndichitarisa pasi,he raised my heard nechigunwe and I was forced to look back at him and his intensive gaze," "uri serious" somehow I managed to nod, "then look into my eyes", zvekumutarisà kumeso ndozvandaisada,asi dayi kwaive kudhara zvimwe ndaimurisa,ndakabva ndatovhara maziso acho "look at me Vimbai" he said so lowly,ndakamavhura zvishoma nezvishoma,ndaive ndisana kuona kuti face yake yaive yava padhuze peyangu,ñdakabva ndasanganidzana nemaziso ake,he was so damn serious but emótional as well,when our eyes connect and I couldn't look away, and my heart was beating so fast in my chest,kuñge uchabuda,ndakazama kuda kutaúra but mashoko akaramba kufungika like brain dzangu adzichatoshande, "I'm sorry but I do feel for you Vee",akazevezera,ndisati ndanyatsokunzwisisa mashoko ake akabva andikisa suddenly,ndakaita kusticker zvese nekupererwa Kuti ndódii,ndakangokwanisa kuvhurisa maziso chete nekuda kweshock,he then suddenly pulled away, "sorry,I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" he said,achisuduruka kubva pandiri,I could see regrets all over his face,he ran his hands on his face, "I dont know what came over me,I'm sorry but I don't regret it because ndangandakatomirira zuva raunodzoka kuti risvike and and I promised myself kuti this time I won't let you slip away again because I realised long time ago kuti you are the perfect women for me,akuna mumwe munhu wandingakwanisa kurarama naye kwehupenyu hwangu hwese but you", he expressed, "Christopher I .." "Let me finnish please,l love you Vimbai,I love only you,I don't care what you say but just know that I do with all my heart”, akadaro adzoka futi pamberi pangu, Ndakabva ndashaya kuti ndomuti kudii,the truth is long time back,ndaisambozviisa mupfuñgwa dzangu zvose zvekuroorwa nekudii dii ndaiwe ndine hobho zvaindinetsa,I did see his moves but ndaizviignowa kuti kwaniko ndirikutadza kuona angagode inini here,kana akasiya vana Rue vehigh class ko kuzoti iniwo zvangu nherera ino,but now that ndavapamberi pake,achi confessa mafeelings ake out pasina kuwandirana,or kutambisirana nguva,ndakamunzwisisa and being away and come back ,zvinhu zvose zvaive zvachinja,I had changed he had changed but the feelings we had for each other didn't infact they got stronger by the time but without us knowing it but I do derseve to be happy at last also aren't I,he was there for me through thick and thin,he understands me better than anyone, even myself,he is peace himself and that's what I need in my life now,ndakasimuka pachair pandaive ndakagara,ndokuswedera paayive, I took his hands in mine," "there's nothing wrong in confessing what we feel,it's something you can't bottle up forever you know," "thank you for loving me the way I am,with my scars everywhere", ndakadaro ndichimuhugger, "I do love you too,but I always thought my feelings were wrong I shouldn't feel them," "really?" His face brightened up, "yes yes I love yóu so so much,that my heàrt wants to burst out", "oh my God" he exclaimed achinditenderedza zvese nekiss ipapo,àkazomboshanda here,àkabva atocancella maapointments ake,ndokubuda takanga kumota yake,hand in hand, He was so damn happy I swear kunge ahwina lotto,his family was so hàppy to see me, Juliet ndiye ayíve atoroorwa atone mwàna mukomà,Maka ayíve akàtograduater kuunniversity ayíve atova advocate Maka sabamukuru wake baba Evelyn Stole,Jose na Josephine ndovaive vava kucollege,I couldn't believe kuti Evelyn ayíve atova grade 2,kamwana kandakarera manje manje apa,vaive vatova nevamwe vaviri kumashure kwake,hanzi ndoda kukavhira pawakamboshaya mberéko,vasati vanyanyochembéra,they all welcoméd me with warm arms as always,takazo announcer Kuti tava official now,everyone was so happy,about the news I guess they were expecting it, after six months we got married na Chris,I was so happy kuti now ndane imwe family and vakandiita kuti ndifile kuñge I'm part of them for sure, Vakava family yandaishuwira chaiyo,united,supportive,loving and kind and most of all fearing God,kusvikira nanhasi, Christopher is the husband anyone can wish for,anozama nepose paanogona napo kuti ndigare ndichifara ,and I'm grateful for that and I do the same,and we are living happily but we never forget to thank God everyday for everything he had pull us from,hé showered me with his blessings and kept me alive when I thought it's over,he fought many battles for me to reach here,saka ndichagara ndichimurumbidza nekuvimba naye hupenyu hwañgu hwose,to me he is my miracle worker, promise keeper,light in the darkness, that's who He is THE END